Our commitment to leading the skincare industry to more sustainable practices is the main driving force behind Botanic Affair. That is why we are so thrilled to introduce the Botanic Affair Recycling Program! Send your empty bottles back, and we will reward you with a discount code to use towards your future orders.
How to send back your Botanic Affair empties in 3 simple steps:
1) Rinse and let dry the bottles
2) Remove the silicone droppers and/or plastic lids
3) Email info@botanicaffair.com with the following:
- A picture of the shipping label
- # of bottles you are sending
Ship to this address:
Botanic Affair
1740 Beach St, #6
San Francisco, CA 94123
Once we have received your empties we will send you a coupon code for 15% discount when you send in 5 bottles and 20% discount for 10 bottles.
Ola on Jul 22, 2021
This is a great initiative. Love it that Botanic Affair is incentivizing customers to recycle by offering a discount. Truly sustainable brand!